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December 02, 2004
Family lawyers call for pre-nuptial deals for British couples
Many changes before gays may wed
Gay couples will not be able to have their marriages legally recognised as yet, as a great deal of legislative amendments have to be put in place before it can happen, according to Jan Stemmet, the co-chairperson of the Law Society of SA. The Supreme Court of Appeal has ruled that the intended marriage between Marie Fourie and Cecilia Bonthuys is capable of lawful recognition as a legally valid marriage, provided the formalities in the Marriage Act are complied with. SABC News reports that the Acts that will have to be amended are the Marriage Act and related Matrimonial Property Act, the Administration of Estates Act and the Insolvency Act as a result of the court ruling. Stemmet suggested that it may take six months to a year for legislation to be passed.
Full report by SABC News
There has been strong reaction to the court ruling approving same-s ex marriages. The Reverend Molefi Tsele, general secretary of the South African Council of Churches, expressed disappointment at the ruling but said the council would have to live with the decision as it was based on the constitution, say reports in The Star and on the News24 site. The Southern African Catholic Bishops' Conference said the ruling contradicted the law of God. Its president, Cardinal Wilfrid Napier, said: 'It shows that majority opinions are not always the correct ones. It also shows man-made laws can be contradictory to God's.'
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Courts can't refuse testimony of mentally disabled
Full report by Beeld on News24 site
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December 01, 2004
Landmark ruling in favour of 'gay marriage'
In a landmark judgment, the Supreme Court of Appeal in
Full report on Mail & Guardian Online site
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